

 《Hot-blooded block movie version: a sequel to the extremely evil king》 introduce

SWORD's"O" Ghost High School. It is the worst bad high school in SWORD, which is divided into time and full-time. Leading the full-time Maashio Hanaoka (Takama Kawamura) to find Lao, the strongest man with many legends, he came to the Suzuki Boys High School in Hualiu. At this time, the bad teenagers inside SWORD, who aim at the head of Ghost Evil High School, are also waiting for the opportunity covetously. Among them, the head of Shizhimen Industrial High School, which wears a crimson student uniform and is known as the"Gate of Blood", Tansui Yoshihiro (Sanshan Linghui), is helped by the strongest man, Suguryo (Yotai Nakamoto). And also aim to control Ghost Evil High School under the command of Kamasaka High School and Ezaro Commercial High School, to establish a"three-school alliance" and continue to expand its power. Ghost Evil High School's Takagi (Yoshino Beiguren) and Hiroyosuke (Maeda Gonghui) also quickly sensed the suspicious behavior of the three-school alliance. Just then the alliance of the three schools suddenly appeared. Finally, the Ghost High School hunt of the three-school alliance began. The men from Ghost Evil High School who were raided. In a completely inferior situation, Feng Shih-hsiung has been giving the answer with his own fist. Can you protect the friends who have been defeated one after another? As a result, Feng Shixiong and the strongest assassin in the alliance of the three schools have to fight each other. What on earth will Feng Shixiong's fist say? The decisive battle for the real pinnacle begins.

 《熱血街區電影版:極惡王 續篇》 繁體簡介



公元 2022年,由 平沼纪久,増本庄一郎,渡辺啓 等老师负责剧本编写,二宫大辅导演负责制作,川村壱马,吉野北人,佐藤流司,神尾枫珠,福山康平,龙,铃木昂秀,うえきやサトシ,中岛健,前田公辉,盐野瑛久,葵扬,小柳心,荒井敦史,坂口涼太郎,森崎温,中本悠太,三山凌辉,永沼伊久也,比嘉凉shu,藤原树,岡宏明,陣,長谷川慎,今村謙斗 等明星实力参演的 动作片《热血街区电影版:极恶王续篇》,此影片于2022-09-09(日本)上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!油管中文祝您观影愉快!

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