人神之战第二阶段,即将展开!这部动漫改编自连载于《月刊 Comic Zenon》的人气漫画,销量突破 1400 万,并在漫画界屡获殊荣,包括打进《这本漫画真厉害!》2019 年男生篇排行榜、2019 年日本全国书店店员票选推荐漫画,更荣获第 2 届漫画新闻奖。本剧由《十二大战》及《Hello World》的动画制片公司 Graphinica 操刀,将漫画中的激烈战斗搬上萤幕。《无限住人》、《普罗米亚》及《少女与战车》的 3D 电脑动画激战场面亦出自 Graphinica 之手。13 场人神代表一对一战斗在世界各地再度展开,战果将会决定人类的存亡!剧情精彩紧凑,场面惊心动魄,你千万不能错过。全季共 15 集,第 1 部(1 - 10 集)将于 2023年1月26日上线,Netflix 独家。第 2 部(11 - 15 集)将于 2023 年上线,Netflix 独家收起




 《The end of the second season of Wushen》 introduce

The second stage of the war between man and god is about to start! This cartoon is adapted from the popular cartoon serially published in Comic Zenon, the monthly magazine, with a sales volume of more than 14 million, and has won many awards in the comic industry, including the entry of"This cartoon is really awesome!" in the list of boys' articles in 2019, the selection of recommended cartoons by Japanese bookstores in 2019, and the second comic news award. This play is operated by Graphiica, the animation production company of"World War 12" and"Hello World", to bring the fierce battle in the cartoon to the screen. The 3D computer animated battle scenes of"Unlimited Dwellers","Promea" and"Girls and Chariots" are also produced by Graphiica. Thirteen human-god battles represent one-on-one battles in the world, and the results will determine the survival of mankind! The plot is wonderful and compact, and the scene is breathtaking. You must not miss it. There are 15 episodes in the whole season, and the first one (episode 1 - 10) will be launched on January 26, 2023, exclusively by Netflix. The second part (11 - 15 episodes) will be launched in 2023, exclusively by Netflix

 《終末的女武神第二季》 繁體簡介

人神之戰第二階段,即將展開! 這部動漫改編自連載於《月刊Comic Zenon》的人氣漫畫,銷量突破1400萬,並在漫畫界屢獲殊榮,包括打進《這本漫畫真厲害!》2019年男生篇排行榜、2019年日本全國書店店員票選推薦漫畫,更榮獲第2届漫畫新聞獎。 本劇由《十二大戰》及《Hello World》的動畫製片公司Graphinica操刀,將漫畫中的激烈戰鬥搬上螢幕。 《無限住人》、《普羅米亞》及《少女與戰車》的3D電腦動畫激戰場面亦出自Graphinica之手。 13場人神代表一對一戰鬥在世界各地再度展開,戰果將會决定人類的存亡! 劇情精彩緊湊,場面驚心動魄,你千萬不能錯過。 全季共15集,第1部(1 - 10集)將於2023年1月26日上線,Netflix獨家。 第2部(11 - 15集)將於2023年上線,Netflix獨家


公元 2023年,由 笔安一幸,山田由香 等老师负责剧本编写,大久保政雄导演负责制作,泽城美雪,黑泽朋世,小西克幸,杉田智和,铃木达央,木村昴 等明星实力参演的 日韩动漫《终末的女武神第二季》,此影片于2023-01-26(日本)上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!油管中文祝您观影愉快!

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