马本诚(张丰毅 饰)是个非法入境的“逃港者”,他因打人被判入狱八年,出狱后闻言老母去世和妻子杜霞(吴家丽 饰)提出离婚,万念俱灰的他自杀未遂,却落得终身残疾。返回大陆后,举目无亲,他四处寻访再婚的杜霞,杜霞的哥哥杜伟(秦沛 饰)找人来痛打一顿这个曾经的小舅子。马本诚把杜的表侄小征(肖俊琨 饰)扣做人质,逼杜霞露面。从此,一大一小的两人成了朋友,流浪人群出没的地方都留下了他们的身影。一日,为救横卧在铁轨上的拖拉机,本诚拖着残疾的双腿迎向飞奔而来的火车,小征却滚下陡峭的路基。在医院里,杜霞告诉本诚,小征是他的亲儿子......©豆瓣收起


 《Come with me once》 introduce

Ma Bencheng (Zhang Fengyi) is an illegal"Hong Kong fugitive" who was sentenced to eight years in prison for beating people. After being released from prison, he heard that his mother died and his wife Du Xia (Wu Jiali) proposed a divorce. Desperate, he attempted suicide, but ended up with lifelong disability. After returning to the mainland, without any relatives, he went around to visit Du Xia who had remarried. Du Xia's brother, Du Wei (Qin Pei), sought someone to beat up the once brother-in-law. Ma Bencheng takes Du's cousin Xiao Zheng (Xiao Junkun) hostage and forces Du Xia to appear. From then on, the two people, one big and the other small, became friends, leaving their shadows everywhere the wandering crowd haunted. One day, in order to rescue a tractor lying on the railway track, Bencheng dragged his disabled legs towards the speeding train, while Xiaozheng rolled down the steep roadbed. In the hospital, Du Xia told Ben Cheng that Xiao Zheng was his own son

 《跟我走一回》 繁體簡介

馬本誠(張豐毅飾)是個非法入境的“逃港者”,他因打人被判入獄八年,出獄後聞言老母去世和妻子杜霞(吳家麗飾)提出離婚,萬念俱灰的他自殺未遂,卻落得終身殘疾。 返回大陸後,舉目無親,他四處尋訪再婚的杜霞,杜霞的哥哥杜偉(秦沛飾)找人來痛打一頓這個曾經的小舅子。 馬本誠把杜的表侄小征(肖俊琨飾)扣做人質,逼杜霞露面。 從此,一大一小的兩人成了朋友,流浪人群出沒的地方都留下了他們的身影。 一日,為救橫臥在鐵軌上的耕耘機,本誠拖著殘疾的雙腿迎向飛奔而來的火車,小征卻滾下陡峭的路基。 在醫院裏,杜霞告訴本誠,小征是他的親兒子……


公元 1995年,由 编剧内详/暂未更新 等老师负责剧本编写,刘国昌导演负责制作,张丰毅,萧俊琨,吴家丽,秦沛 等明星实力参演的 剧情片《跟我走一回》,此影片于上映日期暂未更新上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!油管中文祝您观影愉快!

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